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In het consortium ME/CFS Lines werkt het UMC Groningen samen met verschillende onderzoekspartners aan het opbouwen van...
The ME/CFS research programme funds biomedical research on the causes, diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS. The aim is to...
To improve the health, quality of life and social position of people with ME/CFS, biomedical knowledge about ME/CFS is...
In the ME/CFS Lines consortium, UMC Groningen and several research partners collaborate to build a ME/CFS cohort...
The causes for ME/CFS are not known, which makes it difficult to treat this disease. Biomedical research should change...
Patients with ME/CFS experience many problems related to their muscles, such as fatigue and muscle ache. Exertion makes...
The Netherlands ME/CFS Cohort and Biobank (NMCB) consortium is a national collaboration of research institutes, patient...
On Monday the 17th of June 2024, ZonMw will open a new funding round for the ME/CFS research programme. This second...
The MuscleME project aims to better understand the pathophysiology of muscle pain, fatigue and worsening of symptoms...