Projects Overview
- Actieprogramma Grip op Onbegrip 1
- Citizen Science voor Gezondheid en Zorg 1
- Create Health 1
- Dementia Research Programme 2
- DoelmatigheidsOnderzoek 2016-2018 1
- Effectiviteitsonderzoek 3
- Gezond leven: goed voor het Hart! 1
- Health care efficiency research 1
- Innovatie 5
- Juiste Zorg Op de Juiste Plek 2
- Kennisbenutting en implementatie 3
- Leefstijl in de zorg 10
- Nursing and Care programme 1
- Preventie 5: Deelprogramma 1 - Opvoeding en Onderwijs 1
- Preventie 5: Deelprogramma 2 - Wonen en leven in een gezonde wijk en omgeving 1
- Preventie 5: Deelprogramma 3 - Werk(en) is gezond 1
- Preventieprogramma 4 1
- Preventieprogramma 5 2
- Preventieprogramma 7 3
- Preventieprogramma 2019-2022 9
- Zwangerschap en geboorte II 1
- 25 years of ZonMw 6
- Academic Collaborative Centres 88
- Accessibility 5
- Action research 39
- Addictions 34
- ADHD 9
- Aftercare 26
- AIDS 2
- Alcohol 21
- Allergy 4
- Allied healthcare 110
- Alzheimer's disease 89
- Amyloid protein 16
- Anaesthesiology (NVA) 3
- Animal-free 60
- Antibiotic resistance 15
- Antibiotics 119
- Antimicrobial resistance 8
- Appropriate care 345
- Apps 7
- Art 4
- Artificial Intelligence 46
- Assault 1
- Asthma 17
- Asylum seekers 3
- Auditory impairments 11
- Autism 31
- Autoimmune disease 25
- Autonomy 35
- Bacteria 25
- Bacterial metabolism 1
- Bereavement 17
- Big data 24
- Brain 216
- Brain damage 26
- Brain operation 3
- Brain research 65
- Brain surgery 4
- Cancer 310
- Cardiac arrhythmia 32
- Cardiac care 29
- Cardiology 47
- Cardiology (NVVC) 2
- Cardiovascular diseases 125
- Care and safety 28
- Care evaluation 25
- Care innovations and quality 222
- Care processes 54
- Care standards 5
- Care technology 38
- Cerebral infarct 19
- Child abuse 39
- Children and Youth mental health care 22
- Chlamydia 3
- Chronic condition 42
- Chronic diseases 162
- Civic service period 397
- Climate change 6
- Clinical Geriatrics (NVKG) 1
- Clinical research 28
- Coeliac disease 2
- Collaboration and transfer 106
- Common illnesses 36
- Congenital anomaly 16
- Corona 146
- Corona vaccination 7
- Cost-effectiveness research 197
- COVID-19 237
- Crohn's disease 5
- Cross-domain collaboration 74
- Culture 10
- Day care 31
- Debt 17
- Deciding together 69
- Deferred care 5
- Dementia 371
- Depression 76
- Dermatology 5
- Devices 7
- Diabetes 93
- Diagnostics 114
- Dietetics 18
- Disorder of Sex Differentiation/Intersex condition 3
- Disrupted immune system 13
- Dissemination 8
- District nursing 185
- Diversity 34
- DNA 36
- Domestic violence 31
- Dosage 16
- Dosage forms 7
- Drug repurposing 3
- Drugs 504
- Drug safety 33
- Dutch Association for Urology (NVU) 13
- Dutch Neurology Society (NVN) 1
- Dutch Neurosurgical Society (NVvN) 1
- Dutch Orthopaedic Society (NOV) 48
- Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) 5
- Dutch Society for Obstetrics and Gynaecology (NVOG) 23
- Dutch Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (NVRO) 12
- Dutch Society for Rheumatology (NVR) 2
- Dutch Society of Internal Medicine (NIV) 11
- Dutch Society of Pulmonology and Tuberculosis (NVALT) 5
- Dutch Society of Surgery (NVvH) 5
- Eating behaviour 4
- Educational material 54
- Educational research 21
- Effectiveness 209
- Effect on society 80
- Efficiency 541
- eHealth 163
- Elderly 405
- Electronic administration record 5
- Emergency care 26
- Environment 3
- Epilepsy 21
- Erfelijkheid 22
- Ethics 94
- Evaluatie van wet- en regelgeving 10
- Evidence-Based Practice 26
- Excess mortality 22
- Exercise 184
- Exercise-friendly environment 8
- Exercise intervention 13
- Exercise standard 4
- Exercise therapy 25
- Experiental knowledge 12
- Experiential expertise 39
- FAIR data 16
- Fatigue 42
- Fellowship 27
- Female-specific research 48
- Female genital mutilation 4
- Forensic medicine 10
- Fundamental research 438
- Fundamentals of care 32
- Funding 9
- Future-proof care 68
- Gender 105
- Gender differences 41
- Gender identity 5
- General practitioner care 374
- Genetics 39
- Good Neighbour Schemes 34
- Growing up safe 3
- Guidelines 273
- Hand hygiene 7
- Healthy living environment 128
- Healthy neighbourhood 77
- Heart 100
- Heart failure 52
- Heat stress 5
- High-conflict divorce 1
- HIV 12
- HPV 2
- Human measurement models 1
- Immigrants 14
- Immune system 35
- Impact 11
- Implementation 317
- Included in a guideline 5
- Inclusion 13
- Inclusive society 44
- Inequality 10
- Infection prevention 46
- Infectious disease 152
- Infectious disease control 45
- Inflammations 24
- Informal care 80
- Informal care support 43
- Information and communication technology 15
- Infrastructure 62
- Intensive care 41
- Interdisciplinary cooperation 58
- Intergenerational transfer 5
- International 113
- Intestines 78
- Intimate partner violence 1
- Jeugdinterventies 30
- Kansrijke start 12
- kinderpalliatieve zorg 22
- Knowledge agendas 11
- Knowledge utilisation 72
- Knowledge workshop 6
- Labour market 17
- Labour participation 65
- Lack of exercise 3
- Leadership 1
- Learning and improving 50
- Learning disability 218
- Legislation 2
- Life issues 2
- Life Sciences & Health 21
- Lifestyle 256
- Lifestyle change 18
- (-) Lifestyle intervention 51
- Lifestyle medicine 28
- Linked to a guideline 2
- Living labs 30
- Loneliness 19
- Long-term care 171
- Long COVID 38
- Lung cancer 8
- Lung disease 23
- Lungs 74
- Lyme’s disease 7
- Maatschappelijke Opvang 1
- Malaria 6
- Malnutrition 6
- Maternity care 114
- ME/CFS 15
- Medical devices care 44
- Medical research and guidelines 8
- Medical well-being 41
- Medicines 48
- Mental health 421
- Mental health 195
- Mental resilience 43
- Methodology 11
- Microorganisms 3
- Microplastics 31
- Migraine 7
- Misunderstood behaviour 90
- Mobility 2
- Multi-issue problems 16
- Multi-problem families 5
- Multidisciplinary collaboration 72
- Multimorbidity 6
- Multiple sclerosis 8
- Municipal health services 41
- Municipality 148
- Neglect 1
- Netherlands Psychiatric Association (NVvP) 16
- Netherlands Society of International ENT Surgery (NSIENTS) 6
- Network care 12
- Neurology 48
- Neurosciences 33
- New indications 32
- Nursing and care 573
- Nursing leadership 29
- Nursing top talent 15
- Nutrition 67
- Obesity 23
- Occupational therapy 16
- One Health approach 5
- Open Access 3
- Ophthalmological Society of the Netherlands (NOG) 13
- Optometry 2
- Organisation of care 586
- Outcome-oriented care 53
- Over- and undertreatment 9
- Overexertion 1
- Overweight 42
- Paediatrics (NVK) 37
- Palliative care 404
- Palliative sedation 3
- Pandemic preparedness 54
- Parenting 27
- Parkinson’s disease 46
- Participation & Citizen Science 71
- Participative and applied research 43
- Patient safety 11
- Person-centred care 79
- Pharmacists 22
- Physical disability 95
- Physiotherapy 52
- Policy 70
- Politie 2
- Polypharmacy 2
- Positive health 19
- Poverty 17
- Pregnancy 260
- Prevention 277
- Primary care 520
- Proactive care planning 203
- Protected living 2
- Psoriasis 2
- Psychiatric disorders 86
- Psychische klachten 79
- Public-private partnership 22
- Q-fever 7
- Quality instruments 306
- Quality of life 197
- Rabies 1
- Radiological Society of the Netherlands (NVvR) 11
- Rare diseases 20
- Recognition & rewards 4
- Recovery care 16
- Refugees 21
- Regional collaboration 219
- Rehabilitation 77
- Reintegration 59
- Research in health practice 46
- Research into research 7
- Resistance 19
- Rheumatism 43
- Right care in the right place 59
- Robots 5
- Rotavirus 1
- Safe at home 6
- Screening/population screening 57
- Secondary care 10
- Secure children and youth care 23
- Self-management 45
- Self-management 23
- Sense of purpose in life 78
- Sensory disability 12
- Sexual abuse 1
- Sexual orientation 3
- Skin 31
- Skin cancer 11
- Skin therapy 10
- Sleep 22
- Smoking 22
- Social domain 246
- Society of Dutch Gastroenterology (NVMDL) 21
- Socioeconomic health differences 136
- Specialist medical care 906
- Speech therapy 11
- Sports 281
- Sports injuries 2
- Sports innovation 2
- Staying independent longer 29
- STD 5
- Stem cell research 39
- Stress 21
- Stroke 23
- Suicide prevention 27
- Supportive care network 46
- Surgery 52
- Sustainable care 17
- Symptoms 13
- Tailored pharmacotherapy 49
- Talent development and curiosity-driven research 656
- Tau protein 7
- Technology 12
- Telecare 14
- The Netherlands Society of Rehabilitation Medicine (NSRM/VRA) 2
- Therapy adherence 26
- Training, learning and professionalisation 126
- Transgender care 6
- Translational research 160
- Trauma 17
- Treatment 115
- Tuberculosis 3
- Ulcerative colitis 3
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 3
- Unintended pregnancy 44
- Unprotected sex 1
- Vaccination 31
- Violence 1
- Viruses 35
- Visual disability 24
- Vitality 2
- Vulnerable groups 88
- Vulnerable parenting 39
- Waardegedreven zorg 21
- Waiting times in municipal mental health services 31
- Welfare 29
- Wijk-GGD’er 11
- Work 187
- Workplaces 25
- Youth 1040
- Youth 98
- Youth healthcare 125
- Youth participation 40
- Amarant huisartsen 1
- Amsterdam UMC Locatie AMC 2
- Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc 3
- ClaudicatioNet 1
- Erasmus Medisch Centrum 5
- Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management 1
- GGD Amsterdam 1
- GGD Gelderland-Zuid 1
- GGD Groningen 1
- GGD Kennemerland 1
- GGD Noord- en Oost-Gelderland 1
- GGD regio Utrecht 1
- GGZ Centraal 1
- Kenniscentrum Diëtisten Overgewicht en Obesitas 1
- Leidsche Rijn Julius Gezondheidscentra 1
- Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum 1
- Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum+ 1
- Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum Plus 1
- Maastricht University 3
- Maastricht University 1
- NEO Huisartsenzorg 1
- Onderzoeksinstituut IVO 1
- Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum 4
- Sportbedrijf Arnhem 1
- Stichting Beterschap door Leefstijl 1
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 1
- Tilburg University 1
- TNO 1
- TNO 1
- Trimbos-instituut 1
- Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht 1
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 3
- Wageningen University 1
- Wageningen University 1
- Wageningen University 1
- Wageningen University & Research 1
- Zorggroep Het Huisartsenteam 1
- Aan de slag met preventie in uw gemeente 1
- Alcoholpreventie – onderzoek naar kennishiaten 2
- Buiten de gebaande paden: Innovatieve ideeën voor preventie & gezondheidsbevordering 1
- Citizen Science voor Gezondheid en Zorg 1
- Dementie Fellowships 2023 1
- DO16-18: Verspreidings- en Implementatie Impuls (VIMP) DoelmatigheidsOnderzoek 1
- DoelmatigheidsOnderzoek - Open ronde 2024, onderzoek naar de effectiviteit en kosten van interventies 1
- Effectiviteitsonderzoek – integrale aanpak in preventie 1
- Effectonderzoek Gezonde School aanpak 1
- Healthy living: healthy Heart! 1
- Implementatieronde Passende zorg – Actieprogramma Grip op Onbegrip 1
- Integrale wijk/gebiedsgerichte aanpak 1
- Kennisbasis eHealth om gezond en actief oud te worden - UA 1
- Leefstijlgeneeskunde - UA 4
- Leefstijl in de Zorg 10
- Multidisciplinaire Consortia Onderzoeksprogramma Dementie 1
- Preventieprogramma: Implementatie-impulsen 1
- Preventieprogramma: Implementatie in samenwerking UA 2
- Preventieprogramma: Werkzame Elementen - Fase 1 3
- Subsidieaanvragen onderzoeksprojecten Verpleging en Verzorging - Essentiële zorg 1
- Subsidieoproep Juiste Zorg Op de Juiste Plek (JZOJP): Opzetten en doorontwikkelen van samenwerking rondom de Gecombineerde Leefstijlinterventies (GLI) 2
- Tabaksontmoediging 2
- Versterken preventie in de eerste lijn 4
- Versterking kennisfunctie GGD 5
- Werk(en) is gezond 1
- Zwangerschap en geboorte: open ronde 2020-2021 1
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How to design Persuasive E-health Agents for Coaching Older adults towards dietary behavior change (PACO)?
FinishedDuration:04/2018-05/2022The PACO project gains fundamental insights into the acceptance, working mechanisms and persuasiveness of virtual agents...
SUPREME NUDGE: SUstainable PREvention of cardioMEtabolic risk through NUDGing hEalth behaviors
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Care - physical activity initiatives. Research on participation, action elements, impact and funding models
FinishedDuration:12/2016-08/2022Integrale lokale zorg-sportinitiatieven onder de loep: wat is de impact op deelnemers? Wat zijn de werkzame elementen in...