Projects Overview
Now that online gambling is legalized in the Netherlands, young people are exposed to a lot of gambling advertisements...
International studies indicate that young adults are a risk group for developing problem gambling. There is evidence...
Better monitoring of gambling-related harm helps reduce this harm by identifying points for prevention and treatment.
Background and relevance
In an emergency situation, the GP can refer the older patient to the hospital. However, the...
Background & relevance
Suspecting a cystitis is the most common reason for women to contact their general practice...
Currently, there are no guidelines for blood tests in children with persistent fatigue in general practice...
Background and relevance
Stroke is a serious medical emergency. It can lead to severe disabilities and death if not...
In order to provide good essential care, it is important that nurses are resilient. This means that they retain their...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most commonly used treatment for gambling disorders, but it has only been...
Background and relevance
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) without signs of tissue invasion (afebrile UTI (a-UTI)) in men...
Quality standards such as guidelines and related implementation products play a crucial role in supporting nurse...
This project is about standardizing and harmonizing exposure data that is used to estimate the risks of microplastic...