CVRM for the PRevention of cardiOvascular diseAse after pregnanCy: a Targeted InterVEntion (PROACTIVE)

Women with an increased blood pressure or diabetes during pregnancy have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) later in life. By improving the health of these women after pregnancy, we may be able to prevent CVD. A way to possibly prevent or delay CVD is cardiovascular risk management (CVRM). CVRM consists of regular monitoring, counseling and treatment by general practitioners (GPs). Currently, CVRM is not available for women after an increased blood pressure or diabetes during pregnancy. 


The primary aim of this project is to support GPs to implement guideline recommendations into clinical practice and to improve patient care by adapting, implementing and evaluating a proactive CVRM programme targeted at women after increased blood pressure or diabetes during pregnancy. We will also focus on women with a migration background and/or low socioeconomic situation. 

Expected results

In the future, this project may contribute to early identify high-risk women and prevent or delay CVD in these women.

Related ZonMw project

This project is a follow-up of the project ‘Obstetric conditions and cardiovascular health across ethnic groups in the Netherlands’ (information on this project is only available in Dutch). 


Project number:
Duration: 2%
Duration: 2 %
Related funding round:
Project lead and secretary:
dr. HJ Petrus
Responsible organisation:
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum

Beantwoorden kennisvragen uit de huisartsenpraktijk

Om de dagelijkse huisartsen-praktijk te ondersteunen bij het leveren van passende zorg en ondersteuning aan patiënten, investeren we in onderzoek naar geprioriteerde vragen uit de Nationale Onderzoeksagenda Huisartsgeneeskunde. Lees meer over de projecten.