Inhaled corticosteroids in young children with episodic wheezing: a multicenter cluster RCT

Wheezing is one of the most common complaints in children. About 4 in 10 children experience at least 1 episode of wheezing. This is associated with physical complaints, reduced quality of life, high healthcare costs and sometimes lung attacks requiring hospitalization. Some of them develop asthma, although it is not yet possible to predict who. There is no proven optimal treatment strategy, resulting in under- and overtreatment by general practitioners (GPs), leading to health deterioration.


This project investigates the effectiveness of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) on symptom control, number of lung attacks and quality of life in children aged 1 to 6 years old with episodic wheezing in general practice. This project contributes to optimal care for children with episodic wheezing and provides GPs with treatment certainty.


We compare ICS daily and ICS only on symptom occurrence with only bronchodilators on symptom occurrence and we study predictors of a positive treatment response. 


Project number:
Duration: 2%
Duration: 2 %
Related funding round:
Project lead and secretary:
dr. M van Tilborg - den Boeft MD PhD
Responsible organisation:
Erasmus Medisch Centrum

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