LymeProspect-PLUS, a prospective study into long-term symptoms after treatment for Lyme borreliosis

Lyme disease occurs 27,000 times a year in the Netherlands. It is unknown why 4-6% of patients continue to have complaints after treatment. When these complaints persist for a long time and are severe, they cause a major burden for society. 


The LymeProspect-PLUS study therefore looks at how often complaints persist longer than one year after treatment, what the course of the complaints is, and what possible causes are. 

Approach/working method

For the study, Lyme patients who have been treated more than a year ago will complete quantitative questionnaires about their complaints.

(Expected) results

After this study, we know how often complaints after Lyme disease persist for several years, and what the severity and course are. Risk groups can also be identified with an increased risk of persistent complaints.


The results and possibilities for improved diagnosis and treatment of complaints will be shared with physician and patient organizations in order to be implemented in daily practice.


Project number:
Duration: 37%
Duration: 37 %
Part of programme:
Related funding round:
Project lead and secretary:
Dr. C.C. Van den Wijngaard
Responsible organisation:
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu