Occupational therapy quality instrument ‘Managing fatigue and life balance’

Many people with chronic conditions experience fatigue as most limiting factor in their daily lives. Occupational therapists can advise people in managing fatigue and obtaining life balance. Current occupational therapy guide(line)s ‘Fatigue’ focus on various medical conditions such as neurological diseases, infectious diseases or lung diseases, and some are outdated. Besides, there is currently more knowledge and understanding of occupational therapy interventions aimed at finding life balance for people with fatigue. 


The goal of this project is to develop a transdiagnostic quality instrument to support people with fatigue as a result of chronic conditions in finding balance in life. This is initiated by the Dutch Association for Occupational Therapy (Ergotherapie Nederland) in collaboration with occupational therapists, patient representatives and their caregivers, and other experts.


Project number:
Duration: 11%
Duration: 11 %
Part of programme:
Project lead and secretary:
L. Schut
Responsible organisation:
Ergotherapie Nederland

Kwaliteitsinstrumenten in de paramedische zorg

Kwaliteitsinstrumenten ondersteunen paramedici, de patiënt en diens naasten om de juiste zorgoptie te kiezen. Daarom stimuleren we de ontwikkeling, implementatie, evaluatie en herziening van kwaliteitsstandaarden en -producten.