Stratified care with LARS (Lage Rugpijn Support tool) for patients with chronic non-specific low back pain and physiotherapists in primary care. A participative development and feasibility study.

Chronic nonspecific low back pain (CNSLBP) is a common problem in primary care. Limited evidence exists about the effectiveness of physiotherapy treatments and physiotherapists use a wide spectrum of different treatment choices.


To develop and establish the feasibility, usability of the technology and user acceptance of prototype LARS (=LAge Rugpijn Support tool). LARS is a web-based Treatment Shared decision making Tool for primary care physiotherapists and patients with CNSLBP.

Study design

By means of co-design, a process of collective creativity and partnership is initiated with all potential users and stakeholders, who are actively involved across the entire development of LARS, ensuring the tool meets users’ needs and preferences.


This project aims to contribute in the optimization of the shared decision making process for the best choice of treatment for a patient with CSNLBP. The combination of evidence-based decision support with patient preferences promises to substantially improve personalized care and effect of treatment.


Project number:
Duration: 100%
Duration: 100 %
Part of programme:
Related funding round:
Project lead and secretary:
dr. A.L. van Staa
Responsible organisation:
Hogeschool Rotterdam

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