U-swab: Acceptability, utility, feasibility of self-swabs in primary care respiratory surveillance

A primary care respiratory surveillance network is indispensable for monitoring public health. The Nivel Primary Care Database Sentinel Practices is a long-standing surveillance network for respiratory infections in primary care practices in the Netherlands. General practitioners take a deep nasal and throat swab from patients presenting with flu-like illness. This sample collection is becoming more difficult due to increasing strain on GPs, an increase in remote consultations, changed care seeking behaviour and an increased resistance to especially the deep nasal swab. Based on the experience with self-swabbing during the COVID-19 pandemic, we expect that self-collection of nasal/throat samples can mitigate these obstacles.

Approach/working method

In this controlled study we evaluate the acceptability, utility and feasibility of self-swabbing instead of physician-swabbing.

(Expected) results

The results of this study strengthen primary care surveillance which is important for targeted control, prevention and communication.


Project number:
Duration: 13%
Duration: 13 %
Part of programme:
Related funding round:
Project lead and secretary:
Dr. N.J. Veldhuijzen
Responsible organisation: