Update Nutritional Care Module

The Nutritional Care Module was published in 2012 an describes, from a patient perspective, the standard of nutrional care as part of prevention and treatment. This module is no longer up to date, due to various developments in healthcare and society. 


It is important that it is clear to everyone when nutritional care is needed and who should provide that care. Therefore, the Nutritional Care Module is being updated in this project. 


The Nutrition Care Module describes nutrtional care at 4 levels: 

  1. self-management only
  2. general nutritional advice
  3. individual dietary treatment 
  4. specialised dietary treatment 

Barriers in current nutrtional care are identified on the basis of interviews with patients and healthcare professionals. Based on the barriers, the 4 levels of nutrional care will be updated, including the indications and the competencies of the health care providers. 


The Nutritional Care Module will be developed in collaboration with patients and healthcare professionals.


Project number:
Duration: 6%
Duration: 6 %
Part of programme:
Project lead and secretary:
ir. G.M. Plas
Responsible organisation:
Nederlandse Vereniging van Diëtisten

Kwaliteitsinstrumenten in de paramedische zorg

Kwaliteitsinstrumenten ondersteunen paramedici, de patiënt en diens naasten om de juiste zorgoptie te kiezen. Daarom stimuleren we de ontwikkeling, implementatie, evaluatie en herziening van kwaliteitsstandaarden en -producten.