COMPARe COMMUNICATIVE PARTICIPATION: developing an e-proxy measure for 6-to-12-year-old children with a Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).COMPARe

 Developing an e-proxy measure for 6-to-12-year-old children with a Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).COMPARe 

Children with a developmental language disorder (DLD) have difficulties acquiring language . Language difficulties impact the extent to which children can participate in social activities, school, and, later on, work. Treatment for children with DLD focuses not only on improving language skills, but also on enhancing their communicative participation (CP) in society. To keep improving care and education for these children, it is pivotal to be able to measure (changes in) CP. An instrument to measure CP is available for children under 6, but an instrument to measure CP in older children is currently lacking. Both caregivers and professionals in the field have expressed the wish for an instrument for CP for children aged 6-12. Thus, this project aims to develop an e-proxy measure for CP children aged 6-12. . With this instrument, caregivers and professionals can gain more insight into children’s CP, in order to better adapt their support to children’s needs.


Project number:
Duration: 90%
Duration: 90 %
Related funding round:
Project lead and secretary:
R. Abrahamse
Responsible organisation:
Koninklijke Auris Groep