COVID19 Outcomes in Older People - the COOP study

Meer dan 90% van alle sterfte aan COVID-19 betreft patiënten vanaf 70 jaar en functionele achteruitgang komt veel voor. Ouderen zijn onderling heel verschillend wat betreft vitaliteit en kwetsbaarheid.


Behandeling op maat begint met een goede inschatting van prognose en kennis over de ziekte, maar veel is nog onbekend. Voorspelt kwetsbaarheid de korte en lange-termijn gevolgen van COVID-19 bij ouderen? Hoe spelen biologisch veroudering en kwetsbaarheid een rol in sterfte of juist herstel? Wat zijn doelen die voor ouderen belangrijk zijn bij beslissingen over behandeling bij acute ernstige aandoeningen?


In de COOP studie werken alle benodigde professionals en ouderen samen om met gedegen wetenschappelijk onderzoek de gevolgen van ouderen met COVID-19 te optimaliseren. Door gebruik te maken van de vele Nederlandse data die eerder bij ouderen met COVID-19 zijn verzameld in de eerstelijn, thuis, ziekenhuis en verpleeghuis, zullen de resultaten snel beschikbaar komen.

Uitvoerende partijen

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), Erasmus MC, Amsterdam UMC – locatie VUmc, Radboud UMC, UMC Utrecht en KBO-PCOB.

Meer informatie

Hoofdaanvrager, projectleider en penvoerder: Dr. S.P. Mooijaart (LUMC)


Title: External validation of six COVID-19 prognostic models for predicting mortality risk in older populations in a hospital, primary care, and nursing home setting
Author: Anum Zahra 1 , Maarten van Smeden 2 , Evertine J Abbink 3 , Jesse M van den Berg 4 , Marieke T Blom 5 , Carline J van den Dries 2 , Jacobijn Gussekloo 6 , Fenne Wouters 7 , Karlijn J Joling 7 , René Melis 8 , Simon P Mooijaart 9 , Jeannette B Peters 10 , Harmke A Polinder-Bos 11 , Bas F M van Raaij 9 , Brent Appelman 12 , Hannah M la Roi-Teeuw 2 , Karel G M Moons 2 , Kim Luijken 2
Magazine: J Clin Epidemiology
Title: Characteristics and outcomes of older patients hospitalised for COVID-19 in the first and second wave of the pandemic in The Netherlands: the COVID-OLD study
Author: Rosalinde A L Smits, Stella Trompet, Carolien M J van der Linden, Jessica M van der Bol, Steffy W M Jansen, Harmke A Polinder-Bos, Hanna C Willems, Dennis G Barten, Laura C Blomaard, Mark G J de Boer, Floor J A van Deudekom, Jacobien L J Ellerbroek, Jan Festen, Esther M M van de Glind, Linda M Kampschreur, Ouafae Karimi, Bart Kroon, Marc G J A van Lanen , Jacinta A Lucke, Huub A A M Maas, Francesco U S Mattace-Raso, Barbara C van Munster, Lisette Reijerse, Sarah H M Robben, Rikje Ruiter, Henrike
Magazine: Age and Ageing
Start- and endpage: 1-10
Title: Preparing for future pandemics: frailty associates with mortality in hospitalised older people during the entire COVID-19 pandemic, a Dutch multicentre cohort study
Author: Bas F. M. van Raaij, Raymond Noordam, Rosalinde A. L. Smits, Veerle M. G. T. H. van der Klei, Steffy W. M. Jansen, Carolien M. J. van der Linden, Harmke A. Polinder-Bos, Julia Minnema, Lisanne Tap, Jessica M. van der Bol, Esther M. M. van de Glind, Hanna C. Willems, Floor J. A. van Deudekom, Rikje Ruiter, Barbara C. van Munster, Sarah H. M. Robben, Henrike J. Schouten, Dennis G. Barten, Jacinta A. Lucke, Geeske Peeters, Stella Trompet, Yvonne M. Drewes, Frederiek van den Bos, Jacobijn Gussek
Magazine: Europen Geriatric Medicine
Title: Delirium in older COVID-19 patients: Evaluating risk factors and outcomes
Author: Bart Kroon, Sara JE Beishuizen, Inge HT van Rensen, Dennis G Barten, Jannet J Mehagnoul-Schipper, Jessica M van der Bol, Jacobien LJ Ellerbroek, Jan Festen, Esther MM van de Glind, Liesbeth Hempenius, Mathieu van der Jagt, Steffy WM Jansen, Carolien JM van der Linden , Simon P Mooijaart, Barbara C van Munster, Leanne LE Oosterwijk, Lisa Smit, Louise C Urlings-Strop, Hanna C Willems, Francesco US Mattace-Raso, Harmke A Polinder-Bos
Magazine: Int J Geriatr Psychiatry
Title: The association of inflammatory markers with frailty and in-hospital mortality in older COVID-19 patients
Author: Estelle Tran Van Hoi, Brent Appelman, Simon Mooijaart, Virgil A.S.H. Dalm, Harmke A. Polinder Bos, Diana van Heemst, Bas F.M. van Raaij, Raymond Noordam, Anna Kuranova, Jacobien J. Hoogerwerf, Geeske Peeters, Annemieke Smorenberg; COOP Consortium
Magazine: Experimental Gerontology
Title: Post-COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation substantially recover in daily functioning and quality of life
Author: Lisa S. van Tol1,, Miriam L. Haaksma , Matteo Cesari , Frances Dockery, Irma H.J. Everink ,Bahaa N. Francis , Adam L. Gordon , Stefan Grund , Luba Matchekhina, Laura Monica Perez Bazan , Jos M.G.A. Schols , Eva Topinková , Mark A. Vassallo , Monique A.A. Caljouw , Wilco P. Achterberg , The EU-COGER consortium
Magazine: Age and Ageing
Title: Delirium in older COVID-19 patients: Evaluating risk factors and outcomes
Author: Kroon B, Beishuizen SJE, van Rensen IHT, Barten DG, Mehagnoul-Schipper JJ, van der Bol JM, Ellerbroek JLJ, Festen J, van de Glind EMM, Hempenius L, van der Jagt M, Jansen SWM, van der Linden CJM, Mooijaart SP, van Munster BC, Oosterwijk LLE, Smit L, Urlings-Strop LC, Willems HC, Mattace-Raso FUS, Polinder-Bos HA.
Magazine: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Start- and endpage: 1-9
Title: Pan-European Study on Functional and Medical Recovery and Geriatric Rehabilitation Services of Post-COVID-19 Patients: Protocol of the EU-COGER Study
Author: S Grund, M A A Caljouw, M L Haaksma, A L Gordon, R van Balen, J M Bauer, J M G A Schols, W P Achterberg
Magazine: Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging
Start- and endpage: 668-674
Title: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Positive Health among older adults in relation to the complexity of health problems
Author: Veerle M. G. T. H. van der Klei MD, MSc, Isabelle S. Moens MSc, Twan Simons MSc, Wendy P. J. den Elzen PhD, Simon P. Mooijaart MD, PhD, Jacobijn Gussekloo MD, PhD, Stella Trompet PhD, Yvonne M. Drewes MD, LLM, PhD
Magazine: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS)
Title: Differences in characteristics and outcomes of older patients hospitalized for COVID-19 after introduction of vaccination
Author: Rosalinde A. L. Smits, Bas F. M. van Raaij, Stella Trompet, Carolien M. J. van der Linden, Jessica M. van der Bol, Steffy W. M. Jansen, Harmke A. Polinder-Bos, Hanna C. Willems, Esther M. M. van de Glind, Julia Minnema, Lisanne Tap & Simon P. Mooijaart
Magazine: Europen Geriatric Medicine
Title: The Impact of Delirium on Recovery in Geriatric Rehabilitation after Acute Infection
Author: J. Minnema, MSc., H.A. Polinder-Bos, MD, PhD, M. Cesari, MD, PhD; F. Dockery, MD, PhD; I.H.J. Everink, PhD; B.N. Francis, MD, PhD; A.L. Gordon, MD, PhD; S. Grund, MD, MaHM; L.M. Perez Bazan, MD, PhD; K. Eruslanova, MD, PhD; E. Topinková, MD, PhD; M.A. Vassallo, MD, PhD; M.C. Faes, MD, PhD L.S. van Tol, MSc.; M.A.A. Caljouw, PhD; W.P. Achterberg, MD, PhD; M.L. Haaksma, PhD; on behalf of theEU-COGER consortium and COOP consortium
Magazine: JAMDA
Title: Fibrotic-like abnormalities notably prevalent one year after hospitalization with COVID-19
Author: Bas F.M. van Raaij, Lauran Stöger, Chris Hinnen, Kristell M. Penfornis, Cindy M.M. de Jong, Frederikus A. Klok, Anna H.E. Roukens, D.S. Veldhuijzen, M. Sesmu Arbous, Raymond Noordam, E.R. Marges, J.J. Miranda Geelhoed
Magazine: Respiratory Medicine and Research
Title: Limited incremental predictive value of the frailty index and other vulnerability measures from routine care data for mortality risk prediction in older patients with COVID-19 in primary care
Author: Hannah M la Roi-Teeuw 1 , Kim Luijken 2 , Marieke T Blom 3 4 , Jacobijn Gussekloo 5 6 7 , Simon P Mooijaart 5 6 , Harmke A Polinder-Bos 8 , Maarten van Smeden 2 9 , Geert-Jan Geersing 10 , Carline J van den Dries 10
Magazine: BMC Prim Care
Title: Delirium in older COVID-19 patients: Evaluating risk factors and outcomes
Author: Bart Kroon, Sara J. E. Beishuizen, Inge H. T. van Rensen, Dennis G. Barten, Jannet J. Mehagnoul-Schipper, Jessica M. van der Bol, Jacobien L. J. Ellerbroek, Jan Festen, Esther M. M. van de Glind, Liesbeth Hempenius, Mathieu van der Jagt, Steffy W. M. Jansen, Carolien J. M. van der Linden, Simon P. Mooijaart, Barbara C. van Munster, Leanne L. E. Oosterwijk, Lisa Smit, Louise C. Urlings-Strop, Hanna C. Willems, Francesco U. S. Mattace-Raso, Harmke A. Polinder-Bos
Magazine: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Title: Characteristics and outcomes of older patients hospitalised for COVID-19 in the first and second wave of the pandemic in The Netherlands: the COVID-OLD study
Author: Smits RAL, Trompet S, van der Linden CMJ, van der Bol JM, Jansen SWM, Polinder-Bos HA, Willems HC, Barten DG, Blomaard LC, de Boer MGJ, van Deudekom FJA, Ellerbroek JLJ, Festen J, van de Glind EMM, Kampschreur LM, Karimi O, Kroon B, van Lanen MGJA, Lucke JA, Maas HAAM, Mattace-Raso FUS, van Munster BC, Reijerse L, Robben SHM, Ruiter R, Schouten HJ, Spies PE, Wassenburg A, Wijngaarden MA, Mooijaart SP
Magazine: Age and Ageing
Title: Older people’s goals of care in relation to frailty status—the COOP-study
Author: Veerle M.G.T.H. van der Klei, Yvonne M. Drewes, Bas F.M. van Raaij, Maaike D.W. van Dalsen Anneke G. Julien, Jan Festen, Harmke Polinder-Bos, Simon P. Mooijaart, Jacobijn Gussekloo, Frederiek van den Bos, On behalf of theCOVID-19 Outcomes in Older People (COOP)-consortium
Magazine: Age and Ageing
Link: http://Veerle M.G.T.H. van der Klei1,2, Yvonne M. Drewes1,2,3, Bas F.M. van Raaij1,2, Maaike D.W. van Dalsen1,2, Anneke G. Julien1,2, Jan Festen4, Harmke Polinder-Bos5, Simon P. Mooijaart1,2, Jacobijn Gussekloo1,2,3, Frederiek van den Bos1,2, On behalf of the COVID-19 Outcomes in Older People (COOP)-consortium†
Title: Delirium in older patients with COVID-19: Prevalence, risk factors and clinical outcomes across the first three waves of the pandemic
Author: Julia Minnema, Lisanne Tap, Jessica M. van der Bol, Floor J. A. van Deudekom, Miriam C. Faes, Steffy W. M. Jansen, Carolien M. J. van der Linden, Jacinta A. Lucke, Simon P. Mooijaart, Barbara van Munster, Raymond Noordam, Bas F. M. van Raaij, Rikje Ruiter, Rosalinde A. L. Smits, Hanna C. Willems, Francesco U. S. Mattace-Raso, Harmke A. Polinder-Bos
Magazine: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Title: Fibrotic-like abnormalities notably prevalent one year after hospitalization with COVID-19
Author: Bas F.M. van Raaij, Lauran Stöger, Chris Hinnen, Kristell M. Penfornis, Cindy M.M. de Jong, Frederikus A. Klok, Anna H.E. Roukens, D.S. Veldhuijzen, M. Sesmu Arbous, Raymond Noordam, E.R. Marges, J.J. Miranda Geelhoed
Magazine: Respiratory Medicine and Research
Title: The self-reported Clinical Frailty Scale and its cross-sectional association with various health domains in the general older population in the Netherlands.
Author: V.M.G.T.H. van der Klei1, M.D.W. van Dalsen1, Y.M. Drewes1,2, S.P. Mooijaart1, J. Gussekloo1,2, and F. van den Bos1 for the COOP-consortium and the COOP Older People Advisory Board.
Title: Trends in demographics, clinical characteristics, frailty and in-hospital mortality of hospitalized older covid-19 patients during the pandemic, The COVID-OLD study, a Dutch multicentre cohort study
Author: B.F.M. van Raaij, R.A.L. Smits, H.A. Polinder-Bos, S.W.M. Jansen, C.M.J. van der Linden, J.M. van der Bol, E.M.M. van der Glind, A. Wassenburg, H.C. Willems, D.G. Barten, L.M. Kampschreur, O. Karimi, J. Lucke0, B.C. van Munster, S.H.M. Robben, R. Ruiter, H.J. Schouten, F.J.A. van Deudekom, J. Festen, R. Noordam, S. Trompet, S.P. Mooijaart; On behalf of the COVID-OLD and COOP study group
Title: EU-COGER study – methodology
Author: Miriam L. Haaksma
Title: Regional differences in ICU admission during the COVID-19 pandemic; do differences in triage decisions affect in-hospital mortality? The COvid MedicaTion (COMET) study
Author: Julia Minnema, Roos Sablerolles, Janneke van Kempen, Hugo van der Kuy, Harmke Polinder-Bos1, Bob van de Loo4, Jorie Versmissen, Melvin Lafeber, Miriam C. Faes on behalf of the COMET research team
Title: Preferred Health Outcomes Of Older Adults In The Netherlands In Relationship To Frailty Status – The COOP Study.
Author: Van der Klei V.M.G.T.H., Drewes Y.M., van Raaij B.F.M., van Dalsen M.D.W., Julien A.G., Festen J., Mooijaart S.P., Gussekloo J. and van den Bos F. on behalf of the COVID-19 Outcomes in Older People (COOP)-consortium and the COOP Seniors Advisory Board.
Title: Recovery of daily functioning and quality of life in post-COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation
Author: Miriam L. Haaksma
Title: The self-reported Clinical Frailty Scale and its cross-sectional association with various health domains in the general older population in the Netherlands.
Author: V.M.G.T.H. van der Klei, M.D.W. van Dalsen, Y.M. Drewes, S.P. Mooijaart, J. Gussekloo, and F. van den Bos for the COOP-consortium and the COOP Older People Advisory Board.
Title: Preferred Health Outcomes Of Older Adults In The Netherlands In Relationship To Frailty Status – The COOP Study.
Author: Van der Klei V.M.G.T.H.1,2, Drewes Y.M.1-3, van Raaij B.F.M. 1,2, van Dalsen M.D.W. 1,2, Julien A.G. 1,2, Festen J.4, Mooijaart S.P.1,2, Gussekloo J.1-3 and van den Bos F. 1,2 on behalf of the COVID-19 Outcomes in Older People (COOP)-consortium and the COOP Seniors Advisory Board.
Title: EU-COGER: European Cooperation in Geriatric Rehabilitation research after COVID-19
Author: Miriam L. Haaksma
Title: Recovery of daily functioning and quality of life in post-COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation
Author: Miriam L. Haaksma
Title: COVID-19 Outcomes in Older People - COOP COVID-old
Author: Harmke Polinder-Bos
Title: Recovery of daily functioning and quality of life in post-COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation
Author: Miriam L. Haaksma
Author: SCIENCE DAYS INTERNAL MEDICINE Erasmus MC Harmke Polinder-Bos
Title: Delirium in older patients with COVID-19: prevalence, risk factors and clinical outcomes across the first three waves of the pandemic
Author: Julia Minnema1, Lisanne Tap1, Jessica M. van der Bol2, Floor J.A. van Deudekom3, Miriam C. Faes4, Steffy W.M. Jansen5, Carolien M. J. van der Linden5, Jacinta A. Lucke6, Simon P. Mooijaart7,8, Barbara van Munster9, Raymond Noordam7, Bas F. M. van Raaij7 Rikje Ruiter10, Rosalinde A. L. Smits7, Hanna C. Willems11, Francesco U. S. Mattace-Raso1, Harmke A. Polinder-Bos1
Title: The impact of delirium on recovery in geriatric rehabilitation after acute infection
Author: J. Minnema1, H. A. Polinder-Bos1, M. Cesari2, F. Dockery3, I.H.J. Everink4, B.N. Francis5, A.L. Gordon6, S. Grund7, L.M. Perez Bazan8, O.N. Tkacheva9, E. Topinková10,11, M.A. Vassallo12, M.C. Faes13, L.S. van Tol14, 15, M.A.A. Caljouw14,15, W.P. Achterberg14,15, M.L. Haaksma14,15, on behalf of the EU-COGER consortium and the COOP consortium
Title: Regional differences in ICU admission during the COVID-19 pandemic; do differences in triage decisions affect in-hospital mortality? The COvid MedicaTion (COMET) study
Author: Julia Minnema1¶, Roos Sablerolles2¶ , Janneke van Kempen3, Hugo van der Kuy2, Harmke Polinder-Bos1, Bob van de Loo4, Jorie Versmissen1,2, Melvin Lafeber1&, Miriam C. Faes3& on behalf of the COMET research team^ 1 Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands 2 Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands 3 Department of Geriatrics, Amphia Hospital, Breda, the Netherlands 4 Digitalis Rx BV
Title: The impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on Positive Health and the role of complex health problems: A cross-sectional study in community-dwelling older adults in the Netherlands.
Author: V.M.G.T.H. van der Klei, I.S. Moens, T. Simons, W.P.J. den Elzen, S.P. Mooijaart, J. Gussekloo, S. Trompet and Y.M. Drewes for the PHICOP-study and the COOP-consortium.
Title: Wat vindt u belangrijk?” Een verkenning van de behandeldoelen van 70-plussers in Nederland in geval van acuut en/of ernstig ziek zijn en de rol van kwetsbaarheid.
Author: Van der Klei V.M.G.T.H.1, Drewes Y.M.1,2, van Raaij B.F.M. 1, van Dalsen M.D.W. 1, Festen J.3, Gussekloo J.1,2, Mooijaart S.P.1 en van den Bos F. 1 namens het COVID-19 Outcomes in Older People (COOP)-Consortium en de COOP-Ouderenraad.
Title: “It’s all about perspectives”
Author: Nvt --> presentatie door Veerle van der Klei, over dezelfde studie als gepresenteerd in Den Bosch (februari) en in Helsinki (september as).
Title: The impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on Positive Health and the role of complex health problems: A cross-sectional study in community-dwelling older adults in the Netherlands.
Author: V.M.G.T.H. van der Klei1, I.S. Moens1, T. Simons1, W.P.J. den Elzen2, S.P. Mooijaart1, J. Gussekloo1,3, S. Trompet1 and Y.M. Drewes1,3 for the PHICOP-study and the COOP-consortium.
Title: Association between Clinical Frailty Scale and mortality 24 months after hospitalisation in adult patients with COVID-19
Author: Julia Minnema1, Melvin Lafeber1, Roos Sablerolles2, Janneke van Kempen3, Lisanne Tap1, Harmke A. Polinder-Bos1, Bob van de Loo4, Hugo van der Kuy2, Miriam C. Faes3 on behalf of the COMET research team^
Title: “Wat vindt u belangrijk?” Een verkenning van de behandeldoelen van 70-plussers in Nederland in geval van acuut en/of ernstig ziek zijn en de rol van kwetsbaarheid.
Author: Van der Klei V.M.G.T.H., Drewes Y.M., van Raaij B.F.M., van Dalsen M.D.W., Festen J., Gussekloo J., Mooijaart S.P. en van den Bos F. namens COOP-Consortium en de COOP-Ouderenraad.
Title: Trends in demographics, clinical characteristics, frailty and in-hospital mortality of hospitalized older covid-19 patients during the pandemic, The COVID-OLD study, a Dutch multicentre cohort study
Author: B.F.M. van Raaij, R.A.L. Smits, H.A. Polinder-Bos, S.W.M. Jansen, C.M.J. van der Linden, J.M. van der Bol, E.M.M. van der Glind, A. Wassenburg, H.C. Willems, D.G. Barten, L.M. Kampschreur, O. Karimi, J. Lucke0, B.C. van Munster, S.H.M. Robben, R. Ruiter, H.J. Schouten, F.J.A. van Deudekom, J. Festen, R. Noordam, S. Trompet, S.P. Mooijaart; On behalf of the COVID-OLD and COOP study group
Title: A study protocol for external validation of eight COVID-19 prognostic models for predicting risk of mortality after presenting with COVID-19 infection in the elderly population in hospital, primary care, and nuring home setting
Author: Anum Zahra, Kim Luijken, Karel G.M. Moons, Maarten van Smeden on behalf of the COVID-19 Outcomes in Older People (COOP) Consortium
Title: EU-COGER study – methodology
Author: Miriam L. Haaksma
Title: Regional differences in ICU admission during the COVID-19 pandemic; do differences in triage decisions affect in-hospital mortality? The COvid MedicaTion (COMET) study
Author: Julia Minnema1¶, Roos Sablerolles2¶ , Janneke van Kempen3, Hugo van der Kuy2, Harmke Polinder-Bos1, Bob van de Loo4, Jorie Versmissen1,2, Melvin Lafeber1&, Miriam C. Faes3& on behalf of the COMET research team^
Title: Voortgangsverslag gegevens / Progress report data Dossier nummer / Dossier number: 10430102110005 COVID19 Outcomes in Older People - the COOP study
Title: COVID-19 bij ouderen
Author: L. Tap, S. Mooijaart, H.A. Polinder-Bos
Author: Marianne van Iersel, Martin Smalbrugge, Marjolein van de Pol, Mirko Petrovic, Marcel Olde Rikkert (redactie)
Title: Manuscript; Regional differences in ICU admission during the COVID-19 pandemic; do differences in triage decisions affect in-hospital mortality? The COvid MEdicaTion (COMET) study



Project number:
Duration: 100%
Duration: 100 %
Part of programme:
Project lead and secretary:
prof. dr. S.P. Mooijaart MPH PhD
Responsible organisation:
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum