Health and employment after COVID-19 in people with pre-existing health problems: lessons learned
Due to lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare was postponed and sectors were closed. People with existing health problems were particularly vulnerable to the consequences. In the long term, this may have lasting effects on their health and labour market position. Mitigating factors, such as a social network or remote care, may have reduced the impact of lockdown measures. Understanding the effects of lockdowns and mitigating factors can help support these people after the pandemic.
This study provides insight into the impact of the lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic on health and labour market position (and how they interact) for people with pre-existing health problems, specifically for the downscaling of chronic care programs and lockdown-affected sectors, such as restaurants and retail. Insight will also be provided into factors that may have mitigated these effects, such as social networks, availability of outdoor recreation facilities or the ability of remote care.
This study employs an integrated cyclic data analysis approach. In cycle 0 (exploration), a literature scan is performed. In cycle 1, data analysis of routinely collected (health) data is started to evaluate health and labour market position (and the interaction effect) before, during and after the pandemic. Results of existing questionnaires, completed during the pandemic, provide input for this data analysis. Cycle 2 contains new questionnaires on the impact of COVID-19 measures and mitigating factors, which provide input for the data analysis, building on cycle 1. The last cycle (3) reflects on the mitigating factors using focus group discussions.
Collaboration partners
This study is a collaboration between the research institutes Nivel and SEO. Both research institutes have an extensive track record in scientific studies using routinely collected (health) data. They have previously conducted research into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the impact on general practice care and excess mortality. Nivel has extensive experience in health and healthcare research. SEO has extensive experience in economic research. By joining forces, they enhance and complement each other's research areas and expertise.
(Expected) Results
This study will provide insight into the mid-term impact of COVID-19 measures on the outcomes of health and labour market position and the interaction between them. Furthermore, the study will provide insight into which factors mitigated the impact on individuals with pre-existing health problems. These results may guide current policies to support those who still experience the consequences of the COVID-19 measures, as well as provide insights into how to design measures in future pandemics.