Implementation of shared decision making for all patients: the example of cystitis
Women with bladder infections currently almost always receive an antibiotic, without a shared decision making (SDM) discussion taking place. Patients, general practitioners and policy makers consider SDM important for bladder infections, but this has not been implemented in practice.
The goal of this research project is to learn how we can implement SDM. What do patients, GPs and assistants need, and how does that work? And how do we achieve SDM for women with limited health literacy (LHL)?
Approach and expected result
They investigate this in a participatory action research project with patients with and without LHL, general practitioners and assistants, professional and patient organisations. Together they develop an implementation strategy and evaluate the effect on SDM. They learn about how SDM works for cystitis in particular. And gain more insight into more general implementation methods of SDM in general practice, that they can use for other similar conditions.
Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap (NHG), Nederlandse Vereniging van Doktersassistenten (NVDA), Pharos en Patiëntenfederatie Nederland (PFN).